I often get called upon to talk with abused horses and the training/rehab of the abused horses is a subject I could talk about for a very long time but today I want to discuss the issue of human want versus what is best for our horses.

What has any abused person or animal only had? Something or someone imposing their will on them in a brutal manner. Then what follows is over reaction to any stimuli that reminds them of that abuse (PTSD). Forcing them to do anything is a huge issue.

Then when someone has forced their wants and  swerved off course with their horses training plan they come to me and say…….

“He/She won't let me…..” or…. “I am making no progress. This is not working.”

To which I say “So why are you doing that?”.

“Well I want him/her to…”..

We humans want a lot. We want more money, we want to be thinner, we want a better car, we want our kids to pick up after themselves, we want to work less hours….we want, want, want. Your abused horse does not care what you want. They are in survival mode.  “Wants” only get in the way of really understanding what that horse needs in the moment. We have been spoiled and deluded by the clinicians that take a wild horse and in three day are up on it's back riding it around. It is not miracle work but force disguised as something profound. Rumi said “The Wound Is Where the Light Enters You” and you cannot rush the process of that healing. Force does not allow for healing.

If we are going to be honest here, the reason we have a horse in the first place is because we want something. We want ride, or we want to execute the perfect Piaffe or jump a course. We have all sorts of wants. If we didn't, we would just rescue them and let them them live out their days happily grazing in a big field.

Since we want something from them it is our duty and kindness to do exactly what that horse needs in the moment. Even if that is just standing or sitting with them for an hour while they take tiny steps to sniff us. No reaching out just as they come to us, no thinking about how soon you can put a bridle on them or get to the spring show season. Nothing but being in the moment.

There is no place to get to. Only the moment you are in. That is where the gold lies. That is where all the lessons that our horses have to teach us live. Honor their process and you will be hugely rewarded.

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